Confirm retreat orders? Capital Province Lost! Capital Province Taken! End Deployment Next Unit Unopposed Victory! Uncontested Takeover Province Forfeit! Foreign Attack Preempted Battle Preempted Attack Preempted! [1:countryName]'s Casualties: no casualties [1:countryName]'s Casualties: 1 unit lost [1:countryName]'s Casualties: [2:number] units lost Otto-Play Retreat All Units End Unit’s Turn Next Target Help on Tactical Battles No battles to report yet- the game has just begun! Help Dismiss Battle Report Detailed Information Next Encounter Previous Encounter Result Location of Encounter Defensive Muster Attacking Forces We have lost the battle! We are victorious! No battles took place in the last three months. [1]: Defensive Muster [1]: Units Attacking all Deploy Troops Our garrison in [1:Quebec] is being attacked by the forces of [2:Mexico]. Do you wish me to deploy the troops for you? Our forces are attacking the province of [1:Quebec], defended by the forces of [2:Canada]. Do you wish me to deploy the troops for you? killed Commanded by General [1: Patton] Units defending: Attacking force: [1: provinceName], a province of [2: countryName] Enemy Beaten Back! Defenders Hold Province Lost! Province Taken! Province Changes Hands Attack Failed! Retreat this unit?